
An informal group of creative people who get together to denounce the actions of the School of the Americas (a training ground for Latin American assassins funded by US tax dollars) and other actions.

What's New


Please send your photots and videos now, and please include a few words about the images


Jonathan Clark and the Nogales International:

Steve Pavey:

SOAW livestream:


Steve Pavey:


School of the Americas Watch
seeks to close the US Army School of the Americas, which is responsible for some of the worst human rights abuses in Latin America

The Puppeteers' Cooperative Home Page
resources for puppets

Puppetista Manifesto the theory behind the mask, very concise

A short history of radical puppetry article by Kerry Mogg

Good Puppet Books

Engineers of the Imagination

available here

Wise Fool Puppet Intervention Handbook

Globalize Liberation: How to Uproot the System and Build a Better World

Drummer Links from Bloco Southgate

Drums & Demonstrations Handbook

Our Perpetual Wish List please help with supplies

organizing resources

internal Puppetista stuff:

sign-up flyer

website addtions or probems; anybody feel like redesignig the site: Arnie
